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Utilities -> Tools

In an effort to modernise, Exerra Utilities undergoes a redesign & rework to become Exerra Tools.

— 12 Dec 2023 ~ 7 min read

How to send emails from Cloudflare Workers with MailChannels & DKIM

Comprehensive guide on how to send emails from a Cloudflare Worker with MailChannels with proper DKIM.

— 17 Jun 2023 ~ 5 min read

How to reply to an email in code

Email replies are essential, and if you are building a service that requires the sending of email replies, this is for you.

— 17 May 2023 ~ 1 min read

Play & mod Skyrim on a Mac without Crossover

This is a guide on how to play and mod Skyrim SE/AE on an Apple Silicon Mac without paying for Crossover.

— 29 Jan 2023 ~ 14 min read

Arc is worse than advertised

A privacy analysis on Arc - a comparatively unique browser by The Browser Company.

— 08 Jan 2023 ~ 6 min read

2022 was a good year

To celebrate the conclusion of 2022, I have made a blog post about v2 of the Exerra API, CDN, a new (released) project, and a bit about my personal life.

— 03 Jan 2023 ~ 12 min read

Projects on the horizon

I've released Benchmarks, am working on Identity and have news about my CDN and the horizon.

— 04 Oct 2022 ~ 7 min read

I've been quite busy

Release of a package, rework of a website and plans for CDN improvement.

— 18 Aug 2022 ~ 6 min read

The silence, it's deafening

I've been gone for a while, but I've released a package, improved Karen Bot & API.

— 07 Nov 2021 ~ 5 min read

Newsletter time

I am working on a newsletter, come find out about it!

— 02 Jun 2021 ~ 2 min read

Data Collection for Karen Bot

I am thinking about adding data collection. Find out more details in this post.

— 23 May 2021 ~ 3 min read

Exerra's avatar

Hi, I'm Exerra. I'm a full-stack developer from Latvia . You can follow me on Twitter, see some of my work on GitHub, or read more about me on my website.